Evan Cantor

20 items

A Test Of Character


8 x 8" / oilIt takes a lot of character for a tree to survive the harsh conditions in the southwest desert, that's why I called this a test of it.

Animas River Canyon


24 x 30" / OilThere's nothing like autumn in the Colorado high country. This view is looking east from somewhere near Molas Pass.

Avery Peak


The most colorful mountains in Colorado must certainly be the Elk Range north of Crested Butte. I know of few peaks as solidly red as Avery Peak just outside of Gothic. Add autumn's gold to the sce...

Azure Lake


From near the summit of Mt. Ida in Rocky Mountain National Park, the view stretches all the way along the Continental Divide to Longs Peak. We bush-whacked up from Timber Lake, but you can also get...

Boulder Mountain


24 x 30" / OilLate fall in Boulder's backyard

Cerro Pelon


This is a view south from Matrimonial Mesa at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, looking at a landscape where Georgia O'Keeffe drove around the desert in her Model T. As much as I admire Ms. O'Keeffe's work,...

Independence Mountain


As I seem to get older with every passing day, I look for ever more convenient ways to explore Colorado's arctic tundra above treeline. Hiking south along the Continental Divide from Independence P...

Kachina Bridge


White Canyon meets Armstrong beneath this immense stone bridge. Tourists in Natural Bridges National Monument tend to come and go after having taken a look, but I prefer to spend a couple of hours ...

Maroon Lake


18 x 24" / Oil / When it comes to Colorado's signature landscape, I like to seek different perspectives, as opposed to the old same 'classic' view. The twin Bells still dominate the view, but the s...

Scarp Ridge


I once heard Scarp Ridge described as a "cheater's access to the arctic high country". I wouldn't go quite that far, but it is easily accessed from a relatively high elevation trailhead north of Ke...

Secret Lake


17 x 21" / Oil / This is a scene above Lake Constantine in the Holy Cross Wilderness, located in the San Isabel and White River National Forests on a social trail which leads to the Tuhare Lakes.

Shoshone Peak


14 x 11" / oilPerhaps the most popular destination for a dayhike in Boulder County, Lake Isabelle sits at the base of Shoshone Peak in the Indian Peaks Wilderness.