Whispering Silver Tides

Whispering Silver Tides

Artist: Debra Jason


17 x 33" / Alcohol Inks / Inspired by the ocean, "Whispering Silver Tides" is painted with indigo, aquamarine and laguna inks, which blend with shimmers of silver "waves." The painting can be hung whichever way you prefer. One way, it appears to be soft clouds floating above the ocean. Flip it, and it appears to be silvery stars glistening in the night sky. Gaze at it and imagine yourself by the water, listening to the waves and savoring the moment. Although the painting is protected with several coats of varnish and a UV protectant, displaying alcohol inks in direct sunlight is not recommended. Please note: due to computer monitors, differences in colors may vary slightly. The painting does NOT include the watermark seen on this image.

Collections: Boulder Art Assoc. Spring 2024

Not currently in gallery: This artwork is available for online purchase or to request a private viewing. Please select the "Interested / Questions" button below to inquire about this piece.

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