Sista Luna

4 items

23) leak


12 x 16" / Micron pen / Day 23 of Inktober 2021, prompt "leak". This pointillism figure captures the feeling of when a project or relationship is taking more than it's giving.

Building Frequencies


30 x 24" / pencil, graphite stick / A reworking of a live figure drawing sketch from 2010, revisited in 2020. I am not beholden to my original incarnation of any artwork, belief, understanding, sys...

Gesture III


27 x 21" / conté crayon on newsprint / Gesture figure drawing of woman in head wrap

Mark Making


24.5 x 24.5" / wooden embroidery hoop, fabric, embroidery floss / This piece is an exploration in using an art mark making language with an abstract intention, through a medium usually reserved for...