Design By KRK

35 items

1 inch Wide Lotus Flow...


Sterling Silver with Etched hand drawn image of a Lotus Flower

Baton Necklace


Sterling Silver, medium square rod 1”



Sterling Silver 

Connected Bracelet


Sterling Silver

Connected Necklace


Sterling Silver

Dot Earrings


Sterling Silver, 7mm circle with dots texture

Dot Earrings


Sterling Silver, 10mm circle with dots texture

Earrings 1 inch


Sterling Sliver thin square wire rode. Post on top

Earrings 1/2 inch


Sterling Sliver thin square wire rode. Post in the middle

Flatirons 1/2 inch Wid...


Sterling Silver with Etched hand drawn image of the Flatirons

Flatirons 3/4 inch Wid...


Sterling Silver with Etched hand drawn image of the Flatirons

Fortuitous Necklace


Sterling Silver